
About YouTalent Spotter To start working with the YouTalent Spotter Tools, we recommend to first get familiar with the terms spotting and selecting and talent. What defines a talented student? As a result of a review of the literature on talent in higher education, the following definition of talented students was agreed upon in the […]


After Have you finished using the YouTalent Spotter Tools? Move on and explore the MeTalent Mirror tools or the inspirational and instructional videos on talent development available in the e-library The CoTalent e-library is an e-learning environment to help teachers foster talent. You can watch instructional videos and read texts that help you develop talent […]

Entrepreneurial Talent Tool

Entrepreneurial Talent Toolkit This instrument addresses the development of entrepreneurial talents through a toolkit including 5 specific instruments, each available in five different languages. The Entrepreneurial Traits into Action  The Peer-evaluation Guide The Self-evaluation Guide The Teacher Nomination Guide The Questionaire on studentsentrepreneurial behaviour https://youtu.be/2zwjyq1ApYk The instruments Download the English PDF’s below Entrepreneurial Talent Traits Into […]

ETCL Download page

Entrepreneurial Talent Tool All instruments are available for download in five languages The Entrepreneurial Traits into Action English Danish Dutch German Romanian The Peer-evaluation Guide English Danish Dutch German Romanian The Self-evaluation Guide English Danish Dutch German Romanian The Teacher Nomination Guide English Danish Dutch German Romanian The Questionnaire on Students Entrepreneurial Behaviour  English Danish […]

Writing Tool

Writing Tool The Writing Tool can help you to offer your students a different kind of assignment to see which students would be suitable for a Honors Program. ENGLISH PDF GERMAN PDF ROMANIAN PDF DUTCH PDF DANISH PDF What is the Writing Tool? LEARN MORE Talented students often show different character traits than more traditional […]

Talent Spotting List

Talent Spotting list The Talent Spotting List helps you to get an overview of all the students in your class who might be suitable for activities aimed at talented students. This is also known as an “Honors Program”. ENGLISH PDF GERMAN PDF ROMANIAN PDF DUTCH PDF DANISH PDF About the Talent Spotting list Your university […]

Poster Tool

Poster Tool This spotter tool is essentially a poster assignment that allows students of diverse levels and forms of talent to express themselves in a creative format. ENGLISH PDF GERMAN PDF ROMANIAN PDF DUTCH PDF DANISH PDF About the Poster Tool Learn more about the tool below Introduction The poster assignment allows students with a […]